• healthy living
    cosmicsolutions provide information and initiatives on healthy eating, regular physical activity, natural remedies, and weight management to assist health conscience individuals in leading healthy and active lives.
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Detox Benefits Of Chlorella

Chlorella is a subfamily of single-celled green algae that resides only in slow moving basins of fresh water such as ponds and lakes. These single celled green algae have been in existence for over two billion years and are believed to be the first plant structure with a well defined nucleus.

Chlorella is a microscopic organism that is spherical in shape and was only discovered in the late 19th century, deriving its name from the Greek, ‘chloros’ denoting the colour green and ‘ella’ denoting its tiny size. Studies have since proven that chlorella contains the highest quantity of chlorophyll than any other studied plant species.

This amazing species of algae is believed to provide a substantial boost to the immune system thereby strongly supporting the ability to fight infection. Regular consumption of chlorella has proven to encourage the colonies of good bacteria in the gastrointestinal tract thereby assisting in the treatment of ulcers, colitis, fibromyalgia, and Crohn's disease. Traditional medicines of Japan utilised chlorella as a treatment for asthma, hypoglycaemia, diabetes, gastritis, ulcers of the intestine, constipation, and high blood pressure. These fresh water algae have also proven beneficial for the lowering of high blood cholesterol levels.

For many years this popular dietary supplement has been used as an energy producing food source in Asia where it was relished for its ability to stimulate digestion and enhance immunity. Chlorella was also believed to be very effective in curbing the spread of certain cancers and assist in protecting the body from the residual affects of cancer radiation treatment. Recent studies have found chlorella to be a perfect companion supplement during radiation treatment for cancer. The abundance of chlorophyll content within these algae has proven effective in protecting the body against ultraviolet radiation.

Chlorella is a nutrient dense food source that contains sixty percent protein, eighteen amino acids including all of the essential amino acids, and numerous other vitamins and minerals. In fact chlorella actually provides all of the dietary essential amino acids in exceptional ratios which are rare to find in a single food source. There are numerous species of chlorella, but the particular genus called Chlorella Pyrenoidosa has been found to contain an extremely high volume of beneficial nutrients. The Chlorella Growth Factor (CGF) is a specific phytonutrient that is claimed to be the most valuable component in chlorella. Recent studies have noted the astonishing capacity for detoxifying the body as chlorella has demonstrated the ability of removing heavy metals and toxins from the body.

This fantastically health benefiting algae is also a dependable source of essential fatty acids that are required by the body for various essential biochemical functions. Chlorella also encompasses high levels of beta-carotene, chlorophyll, and nucleic acids. Nucleic acids control cellular functions within the body, the two types of nucleic acid are Ribonucleic Acid (RNA) and Deoxyribonucleic Acid (DNA) - It is abundance of nucleic acids in chlorella that provide the well acclaimed anti-aging and rejuvenating qualities. As if all these amazing properties weren’t enough, chlorella also encompasses no less than twenty vitamins and minerals, including pro-vitamin A, vitamins C, B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, E, K, folic acid, biotin, inositol, plus the minerals iron, calcium, potassium, magnesium, phosphorous.

Chlorella has been the focus of numerous medical and scientific research projects. Early research suggests that the chlorella algae may assist in the treatment of hypertension, fibromyalgia, and digestive ulcers but more in-depth studies are required to confirm these findings. Research performed in Japan suggests that chlorella may have anti-tumour activity in regards to breast cancer, although its main use in cancer treatment is to assist in removing radioactive particles from the body after radiation therapy. Regardless of these studies and findings, there is absolutely no doubt as to the health benefiting properties of chlorella when included to a healthy balanced diet.

Even though the chlorella algae flourishes naturally in fresh bodies of water, the chlorella that is destined for human consumption is specifically cultivated in mineral rich fresh water ponds that are directly exposed to sunlight. The complete process from harvest to laboratory is closely monitored by microbiologists to ensure most advantageous nutrient value and product wholesomeness. Chlorella is also quite often combined with other natural green food sources such as barley greens, wheat grass, spirulina, and seaweed.

Category: Good Health | Views: 2218 | Added by: cosmic | Date: 2022-06-04

Unprocessed Weight Managing Diets

The common advice we keep hearing regarding those trying to lose weight or manage their weight is ‘that it is simply a matter of expending more calories than you consume’. From a healthy point of view this advice can be taken out of context and may eventually lead to serious health issues.

Complete body health improvement must be placed as priority before considering weight gain or weight loss. Adequate nutritional intake can assist in reducing the risk of innumerable health related issues such as obesity, diabetes, and probably the most alarming would surely be heart disease and cancer.

The correct approach to weight management is to consume unprocessed nutrient dense food sources while monitoring the consumption of processed foods and beverages. A decent diet plan will offer a balanced nutritional intake that reduces cholesterol, blood pressure, and contains enough calories not to encourage weight gain. An effective and decent diet plan will also assist in reducing the body age.

The human body requires the correct balance of nutrients to function efficiently:

Carbohydrates are the chief source of fuel in your diet. The body requires carbohydrates to develop glucose which may be used immediately, or stored in the body for later. However, an excess of glucose is stored as fat. The two types of carbohydrates are known as simple carbohydrates and complex carbohydrates. Sugar is a simple carbohydrate, where starches and fibres are complex carbohydrates. It is always recommended to consume complex carbohydrates.

Proteins are broken down in the digestive system to form amino acids, amino acids are the building blocks that your body requires to build, repair, and maintain cells, muscles and other tissues. Proteins are also involved in the creation of hormones. Just like carbohydrates, consuming an excess of protein will be stored as fat. The majority of protein is derived from animal sources and vegetable sources, and an excess of animal protein may cause high cholesterol levels due to its higher saturated fat content.

As strange as it may sound, healthy fats are absolutely required for numerous functions of the body. The healthy fats include: Monounsaturated fats that is found in foods such as avocados, almonds, cashews, peanuts and cooking oils made from plants or seeds such as olive, sunflower, soybean, canola, sesame and peanut oils - Polyunsaturated fats omega-3 that is found in sardines, tuna, salmon, blue mackerel, walnuts, linseeds, and chia seeds - Polyunsaturated fats omega-6 that is found in margarine, fish, tahini, sunflower and safflower oil, pine nuts, brazil nuts, flaxseed, sesame seeds, and chia seeds.

Consuming an excess of saturated fats will certainly lead to health problems. While unsaturated fat is healthy, if it undergoes any type of refinement process, it usually becomes saturated fat. Consuming large amounts of saturated fats is linked to an increased risk of high blood cholesterol levels, and heart disease. While these unhealthy fats are usually solid at room temperature, coconut oil is the exception as it contains medium-chain saturated fatty acids (MCFAs) which is a healthy form of saturated fat.

Vitamins are also absolutely required nutrients for various tasks of the body including regulating metabolism, and immune system support for disease prevention. To mention just a few, vitamins A, C, and E, also known as antioxidants assist with the prevention of coronary artery disease by reducing the build up of scale from occurring on artery walls. Vitamin B is required for normal cell growth and effective digestion and nervous system functions. Vitamin B3 in particular is required for the natural detoxification process of the body. Folic acid facilitates the production of red blood cells. Vitamin D assists with the absorption of calcium, while vitamin K is responsible for causing blood to clot in the case of a wound.

Trace Elements and Minerals:
Minerals such as chlorine assist in producing digestive juices, phosphorus along with calcium is responsible for building strong bones. These and many other trace elements and minerals are required for just about every minute function you can imagine for the human body. Salt also gets a mention here as it is a required nutrient, but far too many individuals over indulge. It is not advisable to consume more than 2400 milligrams of salt per day as it is detrimental to the functions of many organs and blood pressure. Remember, salt is already included in all processed foods.

This is all very light list of nutritional benefits, and does not even scratch the surface of the absolute nutritional requirements for the human body, but the purpose of this article is to highlight the importance of consuming varied sources of nutritionally dense food, and not to concern yourself with reducing calories. Put some healthy resolutions in place and aim to at least consume two and a half cups of vegetables and two cups of fruit each day. When making your selections for each day, be sure to choose from varied food sources. A rough guide is to purchase as many different colours as possible, as this will come close to selecting all five vegetable subgroups. Fibre rich fruits, vegetables and whole grains should be a regular part of your daily diet as well as potassium rich foods. Adequate nutrition is the foundation to gaining good health!

Category: Good Health | Views: 2533 | Added by: cosmic | Date: 2022-02-24

Rheumatoid Arthritis Diet

Rheumatoid arthritis is an autoimmune disease where the body’s own immune system proceeds to attack various joints or ligaments throughout the body. This disease produces chronic swelling in the lining of joints and predominately affecting the joints of the hands and feet. In addition, rheumatoid arthritis usually causes painful swelling in the tissues around the joints.

While rheumatoid arthritis may last for years and in some cases even a lifetime, the symptoms typically come and go. This debilitating condition raises the question as to what is the best diet plan for rheumatoid arthritis sufferers.

Below are listed a few anti-arthritis dietary recommendations:

Be Sure You Are Getting Enough Vitamin D
There is considerable evidence that adequate levels of vitamin D reduce the damaging affects of rheumatoid arthritis. The body utilises vitamin D to maintain healthy cartilage and it appears to prevent the breakdown of cartilage for individuals suffering rheumatoid arthritis. Cartilage is the connective tissue that provides a cushioning effect within joints. Vitamin D is a necessary fat-soluble vitamin that is present in food sources such as fish, liver, egg yolks, and dairy products that are fortified with vitamin D. However, the recommended solution to acquiring sufficient vitamin D levels is through direct exposure to sunlight. Directly exposing the body to ultraviolet light triggers the body to synthesize its own vitamin D.

Increase Your Vitamin C and Vitamin E Levels
Vitamin E is a potent antioxidant that assists in neutralising free radicals which appear to also reduce the swelling in joints. A higher intake of vitamin E has been shown to alleviate the pain associated with rheumatoid arthritis and reduce the duration of stiffness. Increasing the levels of vitamin E has also shown to increase the grip strength of individuals suffering chronic rheumatoid arthritis. Increasing vitamin C levels has also proven beneficial for reducing the swelling through its highly effective antioxidant activities. Increasing levels of vitamin C and vitamin E is recommended as they both support each other and have proven to be of great benefit when consumed together.

Consume Food Sources That Contain Quercetin
Quercetin is a beneficial flavonoid and powerful antioxidant. Studies suggest that consuming food sources rich in quercetin appear to reduce swelling, including the swelling that occurs within the joints of rheumatoid arthritis patients. Rich dietary sources of quercetin include capers, lovage (white-flowered plant of the parsley family), chia seeds, red and yellow onions, broccoli, apples, citrus fruits, red grapes, cherries, and various other berries including cranberries, raspberries, and lingonberries or cowberry.

Consume Food Sources Rich In Copper, Zinc, and Vitamin B6
Our bodies utilise copper and zinc to produce enzymes that reduce swelling by neutralising free radicals. Copper also assists the body in developing and repairing connective tissue, ligaments, and tendons, which all surround the joints, therefore assisting in the stabilising of the joints. Zinc requires vitamin B6 for proper absorption and is involved with the producing of enzymes that also repair joints. It has been noticed that low levels of vitamin B6 have also been associated with increased risk of rheumatoid arthritis. Copper and zinc should be consumed together as the balance between the two is essential - Too much zinc interferes with copper absorption, and high quantities of copper can be toxic.

Rheumatoid arthritis seems to affect more women than men with symptoms often occurring around middle age, and is also a very common complaint within the older generation. Rheumatoid arthritis is different from osteoarthritis which is the common arthritis that often comes with older age. No one really understands what causes rheumatoid arthritis, it could be diet, genes, environment, hormones, or a combination of these factors. Treatments include lifestyle changes particularly adopting a more unprocessed food diet, medicine, or surgery. These treatments may prevent further joint damage and reduce pain and swelling. Before considering medicine or surgery it is recommended to experiment with and exhaust dietary choices!

Category: Good Health | Views: 2294 | Added by: cosmic | Date: 2021-10-12

Live Active Cultures At Work

Yoghurt is a product customarily made from adding live cultures, living bacteria, to milk and has been a staple food source in Western societies for over 2000 years. According to Dairy Australia, traditionally produced yoghurt is one of the most wholesome products available.

Yoghurt provides in excess of ten essential nutrients, including vitamins A and B12, riboflavin, calcium, carbohydrate, protein, potassium, phosphorus, magnesium and zinc. Yoghurt's most noticeable benefits are in the promoting of bone health and strength, and as a proficient digestion aid. In addition to the initial bacteria cultures, various other bacterial cultures are usually added to yoghurt to increase the nutritional health benefits. Probiotics for example, are known as friendly bacteria that reside in the gut and promote intestinal health by restoring the balance between friendly and unfriendly bacteria.

Although many civilisations have been aware of yoghurt's health benefiting properties for centuries, numerous recent studies are now also confirming the undeniable health benefits. One recently published article in the New England Journal Of Medicine included that eating yoghurt was also found to be of benefit for weight management. The authors of that article conveyed that yoghurt consumption was associated with less weight gain in all three groups of individuals that were studied. It seems that intriguing evidence proposes that changes in gut bacterial colonies may in fact influence weight gain. Another recently published article in the British Journal Of Nutrition discovered that full fat dairy products such as natural yoghurt may not have unfavourable effects on cholesterol and blood pressure as previously thought.

Yoghurt Is Considered A Top Health Food Source

When thinking of consuming a healthy diet, neglecting the health of your digestive system is down right counterproductive – In other words, there is no point to following a nutritional diet if your body cannot absorb those important nutrients. When consuming yogurt, you care for your digestive system in two ways.

1) Yogurt contains lactobacteria which is the intestines beneficial bacterial cultures that encourage a healthy digestive system. Lactobacteria, particularly acidophilus, encourages the growth of beneficial bacteria in the intestines and colon and reduces the adaptation of bile into carcinogenic bile acids. The larger the colonies of these so called beneficial bacteria that are present in your intestines and colon, the lower the chance of developing colon diseases. Basically, the beneficial bacterium in yogurt seems to neutralize harmful substances such as nitrates and nitrites before they are transformed into nitrosamines, and before they can become carcinogenic.

2) Yogurt is naturally a rich source of calcium which is a mineral that contributes to overall colon health therefore reducing the risk of colon cancers. Calcium suppresses excess growth of the cells lining the colon, whilst also binding cancer producing bile acids to prevent them from irritating the colon wall, both of which may place an individual at high risk for colon cancer. It is worth mentioning that individuals participating in diets high in calcium have shown to have much lower rates of colorectal cancer. One study showed that an average intake of 1,200 milligrams of calcium a day is associated with a 75 percent reduction of colorectal cancer.

But What If I Am Lactose Intolerant?

Individuals who cannot tolerate milk, either because of a lactose intolerance or protein allergy, can usually tolerate and enjoy yogurt. The culturing procedures render yogurt more digestible than milk and the live cultures generate lactase, the enzyme lactose intolerant individual’s lack, and another enzyme found in certain yogurts (beta-galactosidase) helps improve lactose absorption in lactase deficient individuals. Bacterial enzymes produced by the culturing process partially digest the milk protein called casein, making it less allergenic and easier to digest. Paediatrics Centres have reported that individuals who cannot tolerate milk, can usually eat yogurt without any intestinal upset, whilst the amount varies amongst particular brands of yogurt, in general, yogurt has less lactose than milk. The culturing procedures reduce the milk sugar lactose into glucose and galactose which are the two sugars that are easily absorbed by lactose intolerant individuals.

If you have recently been prescribed antibiotics it is important to understand that antibiotics kill not only harmful bacteria throughout the body, but also the healthy bacterial colonies within the intestines. The live bacterial cultures in yogurt will assist in replenishing the intestines with friendly bacteria before the harmful bacteria can take over. It is advisable to consume a daily dose of yogurt whilst taking antibiotics and continue for at least two weeks thereafter.

Yogurt is most certainly a valuable addition to a health diet for both infants and elderly individuals. For infants, yoghurt is a balanced source of protein, carbohydrates, fats, and minerals in a consistency that children fin pleasing. For elderly individuals who usually have a more sensitive digestive system, yogurt is an ideal dietary addition. It is worth mentioning that the intestines of elderly subjects usually indicated diminished levels of bifidus bacteria, which allow for the growth of cancer causing bacteria.

Category: Good Health | Views: 2651 | Added by: cosmic | Date: 2021-06-08