Antibiotics From Nature
The issues with antibiotics and antibiotic-resistant bacteria have received a great deal of attention recently.
The growing concern is that since bacteria have been exposed to antibiotics for many years now, they have adapted by building a resistance to the antibiotics, creating "superbugs."
The harsh actuality is that minor bacterial infection that would once surrender easily to prescribed antibiotics, are no longer affected and therefore allowing the infection to escalate. Many cases are now surfacing of minor infection turning into more serious illnesses, even life threatening.
As remarkable as it is, natural herbs and spices that contain antibiotic properties appear to evade the ‘bacterial adapting process’ and therefore do not appear to produce resistant bacteria. Antibiotic herbs and spices can be utilized for minor infections and as an antiseptic to prevent infection. Here are some of the more useful antibiotic herbs that you can easily purchase from your health store.
You may already be aware of the health benefits relating to this herb during cold and flu season, and for good reason. In the case of colds and influenza viruses, echinacea is a powerful antibiotic and anti-viral. Echinacea is also a powerful antiseptic to treat sore throats, and has even been found beneficial in the treatment of external wounds.
How Is It Used?
A herbal root tea is produced from steeping the echinacea's roots, although not particularly tasty, it can be safely consumed at times when a natural antibiotic is required. Echinacea tincture diluted in warm water, and used to gargle, provides an excellent sore throat remedy. Both of these methods can also be used as a wash for superficial cuts and scrapes.
This potent but very effective herb is a natural antibiotic powerhouse. Garlic is also widely available and inexpensive to purchase. Garlic promotes healthy functioning of the heart and immune systems with antioxidant properties and helps maintain healthy blood circulation.
How Is It Used?
Garlic is usually sliced or minced and included to various cuisines from pasta to salad. The potent compounds of garlic work best when taken internally. A broth can be made by boiling then simmering garlic in water, this broth can be used for ear drops to address ear infections. This natural antibiotic is well known for the treatment of upper respiratory infections. Numerous health practitioners believe that the most effective use is as juice, either crushed or minced.
This natural antibiotic is alleged to be highly effective against E. coli and Salmonella, both of which are foodborne bacteria that can cause considerable illness and in certain cases even cause death. Ginger has also been reported to be effective in the treatment and cure of ulcers.
How Is It Used?
A herbal root tea is produced by steeping the fresh ginger root, or the dried and ground root. The fresh root is readily available and inexpensive to purchase. A decoction can also be produced by gently simmering fresh ginger slices in water, sweeten with raw honey, and drinking the result. Consuming glazed or candied ginger is used to fight infection and also found beneficial for the treatment of ulcers.
This natural antibiotic is so effective as a natural antibiotic that it can affect intestinal flora and should not be consumed for more than a few weeks at a time. Goldenseal gets its name from the colour of its roots, these are used medicinally for both topical and internal application.
How Is It Used?
A herbal root tea is produced from steeping the goldenseal roots. Goldenseal has acquired an excellent reputation as an effective eye wash for infections in and surrounding the eye. This same solution also provides a very good wash for cuts and scrapes, and can even be used on surgical wounds.
The true medicinal value of herbs and spices is now unveiled!
Living A Healthy Lifestyle
We keep hearing a lot about living a healthy lifestyle or adopting healthy lifestyle habits, so much so, that the phrase 'healthy lifestyle' may be one that some of us would like to permanently forget. The issue is that the phrase describes the lifestyle we should all be living if we want to continue to look good and feel good in our later years. So, what actually does the phrase 'healthy lifestyle' mean? There are many obvious characteristics present in a healthy individual – For example, he or she is maintaining or managing their weight by using a healthy balanced diet and regular physical exercise, and usually does not smoke. It all sounds quite simple, but it is incredible just how hard it is to do in these modern times.
Healthy Diet
Eating a healthy balanced diet is vital in gaining a healthy lifestyle. Not only can a balanced diet assist with weight management, it will also improve your overall health and quality of life in your later years. You can use the diet plan guide to determine what food groups to focus on, or if you are just seeking smaller changes to begin with, you can use these simple tips to change how you eat:
* Eat More Fruit - Add fruit to your cereal or salads.
* Include More Vegetables - Keep canned or frozen vegetables handy for quick snacks.
* Switch Salad Dressing - Switch to something lighter and you will immediately eat less calories.
* Low Fat or Fat Free Dairy. Switching to skim milk or fat free yogurt is a simple way to consume less calories.
* Make Substitutes - Check your pantry or fridge and pick 3 foods you eat often. Note the nutritional content and the next time you are shopping, find lower-calorie substitutes for just those 3 items.
Adopting healthy eating habits does not have to mean drastic changes. In fact, drastic changes will quite often lead to failure. The good news here is that you do not have to make huge changes to your everyday routine to achieve a healthy lifestyle. In fact, the trick to acquiring a healthy standard of living is by making small changes. Gradually increase your efforts each day by adding fruit to your cereal for breakfast, pack a salad for lunch every second or third day, or declining on that extra helping of creamy mashed potatoes. So, what else should you focus on to achieve that healthy lifestyle? As soon as you realise the importance of a healthy balanced diet, your second order of business is to start a regular strength training routine.
Physical Exercise
One of the main reasons there is a weight problem amongst the general population is because we sitting for long periods of time. We are all aware of the fact that we need to exercise regularly, but we keep inventing excuses not to do it. Too busy, can’t get motivated, don't know where to start, or we are afraid of injuring ourselves. The truth is, exercise does not have to be vigorous for it to be of benefit, every little bit counts and the more active you are, the healthier you will be. Even moderate physical exercise like gardening, chores, and walking are all beneficial.
Just adding physical activity to your life can:
* Reduce stress
* Improve mood
* Reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression
* Enhance self esteem
* Maintain bone mass
* Improve joint stability
* Increase and improve range of movement
* Help maintain flexibility as you age
* Prevent osteoporosis and fractures
* Reduce the risk of heart disease, stroke and diabetes
* Improve memory in elderly people
Even if you opt for minimal lifestyle changes, the benefits are still fairly good. Research studies have noted that just a 10 percent reduction in weight assisted obese patients by reducing blood pressure, cholesterol and increasing longevity. In fact, you do not even have to have to set a goal for weight management, why not first focus on being healthy to begin with, and then worry about losing weight once you have some healthy lifestyle habits under your belt! Accepting small changes in your daily habits can lead to huge rewards, so do what you can today to be healthier for tomorrow!
Adopt Healthy Lifestyle Habits
How many times have you gone to sleep at night, swearing that you will go to the gym in the morning, only to change your mind when you awake because you don't feel like exercising?
Well this can happen to the best of us, it does not mean you should drop the ball altogether though when it comes to getting fit and staying fit.
Individuals need to realise that engaging in physical activity and eating a balanced diet are vital for long-term health and wellness benefits. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure! The more you understand how your body responds to your lifestyle choices, the better you can customise a nutritional diet and exercise plan that is beneficial for you. When you eat well, increase your level of physical activity and intensity, you are informing your body that you want to burn a substantial amount of fuel. This roughly translates to burning fat more efficiently to produce the required energy. Proper healthy eating habits plus suitable physical activity equals an increase in metabolism, which in turn supplies more energy throughout the day allowing you to do more strenuous tasks with less effort.
The true purpose of physical exercise is to send a repetitive message to your whole body requesting for improvement in metabolism, strength, aerobic capacity and overall increased fitness and health. Each time you exercise, your body responds by upgrading its capabilities for burning fat and toning muscle. Physical exercise does not have to be intense for it to work in your favour, but it does need to be performed consistently.
It is my recommendation to engage in regular cardiovascular activity four times per week for 20 to 30 minutes per session, and strength or resistance training four times per week for 20 to 25 minutes per session. This balanced approach combines aerobic exercise for burning fat and delivering more oxygen to the body, and strength or resistance training to increase lean body muscle mass. Both activities provide fat burning benefits and calorie expenditure.
This simple exercise program may work for you:
* Warm Up - Seven to eight minutes of light aerobic activity with the intention to increase blood flow and warm-up your tendons and joints.
* Resistance Training - Train all core muscle groups. One to two sets of each exercise. Rest 45 seconds between sets. Suggested Routine
* Aerobic Exercise - Pick two favourite cardiovascular activities, they could be biking, jogging, rowing, whatever suits your lifestyle. Perform 12 to 15 minutes of the first activity and then continue with 10 minutes of the second activity.
* Stretching - Conclude your exercise session by stretching whilst breathing deeply.
When first beginning an exercise program, it is vital to have realistic expectations. Depending on your initial fitness level, you should expect to observe the following changes:
* From one to six weeks - Good feelings, noticeable good mood, confidence, and energetic.
* From two to six months - Noticeable reduction of weight while becoming leaner and toned. Clothes fit more loosely - You are gaining lean muscle and losing fat.
* After six months - Begin losing weight quite rapidly and weight management no longer feels like a chore.
When you make the solid commitment to exercise several times a week, you should also adopt a healthy balanced diet plan. Counting calories or calculating grams and percentages for certain nutrients is not always practical. Instead, try these easy-to-follow guidelines:
* Eat several small meals (optimally four) and snack on fruit in between.
* Ensure every meal is balanced! Incorporate palm-sized proteins like lean meat, skinless chicken, fish, egg whites and dairy products, fist-sized portions of complex carbohydrates like whole-wheat bread and pasta, wild rice, multi-grain cereal and potatoes, and fist-sized portions of vegetable and fruits.
* Drink at least eight 250ml (8oz) glasses of water throughout the day, and stay hydrated while training.
* I also recommend taking a reputable brand multivitamin each day to ensure that you are getting all the vitamins and minerals your body requires.
We all appreciate the things we work hard for - Enjoy Life, you deserve it!
Natural Approach To Allergies
Allergies can produce a great deal of suffering. In America alone, around 28 million people suffer from hay fever, and that does not include the individuals that are allergic to pet dander, dust, food sources, and bee stings.
Allergies are the result of an immune response gone overboard. Substances like dust, pollen, dust mites, and so forth are not harmful like pathogens. But in the allergic individual, these substances produce an extreme immune response. From a mere annoyance to debilitating, allergy symptoms are a hindrance for those who suffer.
Thankfully, there is a place for natural remedies in allergy management. Here are some natural approaches that may help reduce allergy symptoms.
* Note: the natural remedies discussed below are not intended to be used to treat or prevent anaphylaxis, a deadly form of allergic response that is a medical emergency.
Garlic contains a substance called quercetin, which can actually be taken as a supplement. Other foods contain quercetin also but garlic has a much higher concentration of this substance. Quercetin is reputed to slow down inflammatory reactions, such as those found in allergic reactions. Onions also contain a significant amount of quercetin.
Quercetin supplements are often suggested as a treatment for allergies. As noted above, certain foods contain naturally occurring quercetin. This is another argument for a healthy diet, because the foods that contain the most quercetin are those foods that are some of the healthiest, for example, garlic, onions, apples, red wine (in moderation!), and citrus fruits, to name a just a few.
Have you heard of Ginkgo for memory? Interestingly, Ginkgo contains some substances that inhibit a chemical produced by the body during an allergic response called 'platelet activating factor'(or PAF). When your body produces PAF in response to an allergen, the PAF sets off a chain of events that lead to allergic symptoms and inflammation. Inhibiting the PAF means that the allergic response does not get to complete its cycle.
Ginkgo is generally sold in standardized extract form. Herbalists recommend 60 to 240 milligrams daily, but no more than that. Ginkgo is low in side effects but high in effectiveness.
Enzymatic Therapy
Enzymes - or a lack of them - are implicated in the development of allergies. At their very basic level, allergens are proteins, and certain enzymes are able to break down proteins before they can incite an allergic reaction. Enzymes can be taken in supplement form, but they may have digestive effects. Many allergy sufferers find that the side effects are greatly reduced when the enzymes are taken with food.
Continue reading more healthy lifestyle habits
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